The Ultimate Getaway
Wild Goose Lake Resort provides you with a great northern experience with all its beauty, tranquility and adventure. Nature graciously provides beautiful surroundings for leisurely walks or vigorous hiking expeditions.
Wild Goose Lake Resort
# 4 Kueng’s Road
P.O Box 520
Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Canada
P.O Box 520
Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Canada
Phone: 807-854-0316
Toll-Free: 877-854-0316
Fax: 807-854-1157
Toll-Free: 877-854-0316
Fax: 807-854-1157
How to find
We are located north of Superior on Highway #11. Turn off Highway 11 at Kueng’s Road: 15 miles east of Jellicoe or 12 miles west of Geraldton. Travel half mile and keep left at the overhead signs.
GPS Coordinates: 16U 487260E 5505889N / Lat. 49.708 Long. -87.188